"Endelman & Associates’ expertise in accessibility issues was instrumental in developing an extensive database program that utilized accessibility laws, rules and guidelines from three different source…This knowledge and expertise, combined with their excellent organizational skills, was instrumental in completing one of the most comprehensive and forward looking documents produced for our office. This team was one of the most knowledgeable and professional I have had the pleasure to work with on any project. They were timely, thorough, and extremely competent in all of their work. I would highly recommend them to anyone."
Name | Description |
Boulder Valley School District, CO
Forty-six school facilities |
City of Bellevue
Phase I ADA Surveys of City facilities. |
City of San Diego
Approx. 2 million s.f. of the City's facilities |
City of Tacoma
ADA Survey and Transition Plan just starting. |
City of Tacoma, WA
Contracted to perform ADA Surveys of 78 City Owned facilities in 2006. |
County of Orange, CA
Approx. 2 million s.f. of public facilities - courts, jails, health care, social services, libraries, fire stations and administration |
Cupertino Union School District, CA
Fifty-two school buildings |
King County Division of Capital Planning & Development
Accessibility survey of 104 parks and trails. Phase I ADA Surveys of 21 King County Buildings - Ph. I & II. |
Seattle School District
Sixty-five elementary, middle and high schools |
Springfield School District, OR
ADA Surveys of 28 schools and administrative facilities in association with L.A. Kersh Architecture, Inc. |
University of Arizona
10 million s.f. on the main and remote campuses |